Crafted Media Presents: “Best of South Africa” Sizzle Reel


Okay, so you've just returned from an incredible trip. While you were there, you posted tons of videos and pics on every social media platform available but now you're back and all those great moments are just collecting dust on in the cloud. Do something with those orphaned stories, snaps and posts! Make a "Sizzle Reel" so you can really make your friends jealous. :)

Our recent exploration of South Africa was the catalyst for our discovery of the Sizzle Reel. We had thousands of pictures and tons of video clips and wanted to figure out a way to share with our clients and travel enthusiasts alike. From our time at Grootbos, the National Geographic Lodge home to some of the world's best shark cage diving, to our game drives at Dulini River Lodge, the completely revamped 5-star safari enclave in the heart of the ultra-exclusive Sabi Sands Game Reserve, every image we captured seemed remarkable in one way or another. Some of it had already been shared along the way with feed publications and stories, and we know nobody wants to see a multi-season docuseries reliving our entire trip (we are not the Discovery Channel, after all).

We hope however you might enjoy seeing a compilation of all our most memorable moments. The best sizzle reels are under one-minute long, so how do you condense all of the excitement and adventure into 60 seconds or less? Keep your audience intrigued by just giving them the highlights. Pick the best moments and images like the video above. Actually, get back into grade-school mode and pretend it's a book report (or CliffsNotes, for the procrastinators amongst us); you don't need to read an entire book to get the gist of it. For example, on our Best of South Africa trip we had way more adventure than could ever be packed into a 1-minutes video so we just featured some of our best and memorable moments.

Making a sizzle reel can even save your friendships! Instead of frequent, random and unedited videos on your trip, give your posts more meaning by intertwining it into a story worth watching. Nobody wants to commit social media faux pas by posting seven similar landscape shots back to back...and then subsequently get unfollowed forever.

We know lots of our clients are already doing this and are far more talented photographers than we are. We'd love to share the creative expressions of your favorite trips, whether they be Crafted itineraries or your own. If you're already at home scrolling though all those videos, put together a Sizzle Reel, post it with the hashtag #crafttravelsizzlereel and make sure to tag us! We'll be reposting all entries and any entries submitted before December 1 and meeting the basic reel requirements will receive some FREE travel swag on us!

And if you’re thinking about a luxury vacation in South Africa, get in touch with us today. Whether you’re looking for a cruise or a luxury safari, you’ll find what you’re looking for with Craft Travel.

Donald Meteny

Donald has been part of the Craft team since 2017, with an ever-increasing presence within the company. Since moving to Cape Town, South Africa with his family, he has become Craft’s COO, using his mechanical engineering background to spearhead (and optimize) everything on the back end of the business.

When he isn’t running Craft Travel’s operations and projects, Donald moonlights as an Emmy award-winning live sports cameraman, spending his professional time traveling to sporting events all over the world. During his 14 year career has spent most of the time on the world’s most beautiful golf courses. Traveling with the professional golf tour has its perks, allowing him to work in places like Rio for the 2008 Summer Olympics, Scotland for the British Open and as far as Thailand and Saudi Arabia.

He is also a licensed drone pilot, shooting beautiful landscapes on a number of different continents. His passion is shoot breathtaking aerial footage but he’s also worked for disaster relief in South Florida post hurricane Ian.

Donald is passionate about travel and the way technology will provide a better way to travel in the future.

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